Sunday, August 24, 2014

How Windows settings back to the original position in order to solve the problems of the system

We all now how windows will have some problems after used for a long time and this problem occur with the most people using windows  xp , vista , 7 , 8 ,so to solve this problem you need to download a littel software called Refrech pc.

this software Independent of means to format you PC , it work to amendment the registry to 0 and fix all the problems occur in your pc.

How To Use IT  :   After you download it run it then go and click on Refresh My PC Settings then after the operation complete you get a message which ask you to rebot your pc to aplly changes to your windows.

this trick it worck with windows xp ,vista ,7 ,8 ,8.1

you can download the software from here : Refresh PC