Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Everything you need to know about Microsoft's new system and Windows 10

After a lot of speculation about the name chosen by Microsoft's new operating system seems to be everyone's expectations were wrong, While expectations were to indicate that it will carry the name of Windows 9, or even Windows TH the Microsoft decided that the name is Windows 10, but these were not sudden only.

The effectiveness of simple did not witness the presence of the Executive Director of Microsoft (Satya Ndela) and knew limited participation of the media and are not transferred directly to the Internet Microsoft announced its new Windows 10, contrary to all expectations in this regard and which indicated that the new system will carry the name either Windows 9 out of respect for the sequence that began with Windows 7 or Windows TH, but in the end it seems that Microsoft wants to pieces with Windows 8 and keep away from him, especially that he did not achieve the desired success.

The new system from Microsoft and Windows 10 came to confirm the news circulating for a long time and confirmed the company's desire to unify all regulations and is exactly what make sure today where that Windows 10 will come compatible with all types of devices (desktop computers and PDAs, smart phones, computers, Tablets, TVs Smart), where the new system will be compatible with different screen sizes from 4 to 80 inches, as well as to unify the e-store for each of these devices

Microsoft was keen also to emphasize that the new system (Windows 10) grazing in which significantly the interests of companies and enterprises, noting that Windows 10 will be compatible with all IT systems for the conduct of companies that are currently available, and is something which is seen as an attempt to overcome problems Windows 8.

The new design for Windows 10, when many of the features, where highlights especially the return (start menu), in addition to the new interface more effectively enables the user to better control windows and applications in addition to the button (Task View), which can easily navigate between windows and various applications in the new system , as they will be integrated into a search engine and Windows 10. On the other hand, Microsoft has announced that it will provide the final version of its Windows 10 in the second half of next year, but users will soon have a date with a trial version of this system.